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Desert Dunes

​"I turned to Kate for help after seeing her comment on a post on Facebook that resonated with me. 


In short, I was eventing at 3* level and cruising round the Cross Country with ease but couldn’t ride to a showjump, I don’t know what was wrong with me and there was nothing I could specifically put my finger on. I’m a coach and I support lots of nervous riders but I felt like I was making a fool out of myself when competing and letting my horses down. I had tried other forms of sports psychology, that had no effect and I found it intrusive and emotionally upsetting. 


Within 2 sessions with Kate, my life was transformed and I wasn’t a blubbering mess! I have so far jumped 5 clear rounds in a row and I don’t even question my ability any more, I have a confidence that was always in me but had got lost and confused. 


I went on to spend a further 6 weeks working with Kate, by positive choice, to address some unresolved issues, and things have changed for me in so many ways. 


I have been on an amazing journey with Kate, she’s impossible not to like, she has absolutely got your back and I cannot recommend her work highly enough. 


No issue is too small for Kate to address, as the knock on effects of this revolutionary therapy are so wide reaching in your life that the benefits are so clear to see."

Caroline Basnett


"Kate is a wonderfully pragmatic and down to earth person who completely understood my fears. She is so easy to talk to, and put me at ease straight away. After one session of BWRT, I went to a show with two horses and jumped four classes. Before the BWRT session, I had spent two years in a state of exteme panic-often either withdrawing from competitions at the last minute, or turning around and going home on the way to the shows.


I am really grateful for Kate's help, and for finding an efficient and targeted type of therapy which has allowed me to get back on track with my horses."

Christa Dillon, Blackhill Eventing


​"I just wanted you to know that I feel amazing. I am really happy riding with no thoughts of falling off and having a lovely time.....BUT its not just my riding, I am so much more confidence in my work, I have taken on more responsibility and know I can do it, also what I can achieve at home (2 blocked drains fixed tonight, whereas two weeks ago I tried but gave up). I can't thank you enough. I honestly feel that I have a new lease on life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."



"Hiya, I just wanted to let you know my cross-country lesson went super well today! There were a few things I wasn't sure about but I felt my brain go 'just get on with it', and I did it, and we did it well! My instructor noticed a difference and actually said its the best XC session we'd had in a while. she said normally when we stop at a ditch she can see me go 'I can't do this', but today she said she saw me go 'come on, I now we can do this'. I felt such a difference in myself, and I just couldn't believe it. thank you!"

Megan Borland​


"Kate's BWRT session left me feeling tingly, new, energised. This was the result of our second session when she performed the key protocols. Our previous session was an information gathering event which felt intense at times but never 'in your face.' 


The anxieties that brought me to Kate's practice were examined and revealed with a sure touch on Kate's part. The language she used helped me to be kinder to myself. In the week that separated the first session from the second I found myself thinking about the main anxiety in a different, less heightened way. After the second session the primary anxiety seemed negligible. 


Kate's light voice and her engaged manner are an extra bonus. See for yourself!"



"I just wanted to let you know,  I think I can ride again.  I've been going out in the Pennine wind  without a thought.  


Lewis has been getting strong and sassy (spring grass/ wet fields, therefore limited turnout). Instead of backing off,  I've been having overdue "discussions." John (husband) was on the yard yesterday when I was on the arena and shouted: "I wish you could see Lulu's face!"


It's so good to feel like I can ride again. I'm planning to hire an indoor arena as a prelude to competing. 

Many millions of thanks."

Catherine Robinson


"Its like my confidence container has had its bottom put back on. My confidence no longer falls through anymore, but now has the chance to build back up."

Dr Tracey Valentine


"I had become completely tired, desperate about my use of social media. I wasn't consciously looking for anything special and whenever i’d log out I’d feel bad about myself realising i just spent 45 minutes scrolling and getting almost nothing out of it. I could have spent this time doing something that makes sense, means something to me. 


I got in touch with Kate whose relaxed, compassionate approach, with humor even, helped me get confident I could change this. I got three sessions i enjoyed, some homework to do and now I go twice a day on social media. I then go right to the groups I'm interested in and log off happy, with no guilt feeling after max 15 minutes having learned something useful for me. I highly recommend Kate. She’ll help you get the change you want."

Edouard van de Velde​


Just wanted to send a proper thank you for all your help, advice and BWRT over the last few weeks/months. It really has worked in many ways. I have noticed a big difference in the way that I operate mentally and physically and my mind is a lot clearer and focused.
So thank you very much, really appreciate your help.



I really wanted to let you know that Tommo and I won our Petplan regional final at prelim silver on Sunday at Moreton ec. 

I want to say a big thank you for all your help as I really believe it has enabled me to overcome all the things that have been holding me back (especially in my riding) and for me to be able to achieve what Tommo and I did on Saturday. 

We are still showjumping in lessons and I'm continuing to enjoy it...even when poles fall!! 😆

These short few words aren't really enough but I know you'll get it!

Thank you again 

Best wishes

Alison and Tommo ​


Dear Kate, thank you so much for all you've done for me. I'm feel so much better and keep catching myself being happy and thinking 'that's new!'. I've been stuck for so long and now I'm free. You're a witch :D

​Caron Jenkins


"Seeing Caroline's [Basnett] testimonial about Kate inspired me to write one myself.


Like Caroline, I ride at a high level but I'm writing this anonymously because I have sponsors.


Because I have sponsors I have a lot of pressure to perform and I literally can't afford to lose my nerve. But this last season has been difficult to keep it after losing one of my best horses in a field accident and gradually feeling worse and worse about being judged, which has made me feel like a Novice and stupid, and I've been letting all my horses down.


As a one time elite rider, Kate and I gelled and I knew she had my back. A lot of things came up in our first appointment that I had no idea were effecting me but they needed addressing and once Kate did that, the issues fell away and I'm riding better than I ever have.


The grief and guilt that had been filling me up was gone and I see myself in a realistic light, unphazed by judge or any kind of audience. I'm back in the game and then some.


Kate is a godsend."



"I cannot recommend Kate Osmaston and BWRT enough!

Kate has helped me through a heap of grief that I was carrying around and  hadn't dealt with, which made me feel so much 'lighter'. But the biggest difference is in my riding. If you saw my previous post you will know I had (past tense) some issues after a fall.


I am back on board the horse I LOVE riding and on Saturday he put a spook in (bloody cats!) and I ...... was totally fine. I rode the resulting fire breathing dragon happily until he got over himself!

Thank you Kate"​

Debbie Warner


"I cannot express enough how transformative my sessions with Kate Osmaston have been. From the moment I began working with her, I felt a profound shift in my mental and emotional well-being. Kate’s expertise in BWRT is truly exceptional; she guided me through the process with such skill and compassion that I quickly noticed a significant reduction in the stress and anxiety that had been affecting my relationships with those closest to me. Her approach is both gentle and powerful, allowing me to finally release long-held insecurities that had been hindering my connection with loved ones.


One of the most remarkable changes I've experienced is in my attitude toward financial matters. Before meeting Kate, I had a deep-seated fear around money that caused constant worry. Through her sessions, I’ve not only been able to dissolve that fear but also to approach my finances with a newfound sense of confidence and calm. Kate’s work has been nothing short of life-changing, and I am incredibly grateful for the peace and resilience she has helped me achieve. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking to overcome emotional challenges and embrace a more balanced, fulfilling life."

Alanna B


"My BWRT sessions with Kate have been game changers and my life now is so completely different . I couldn’t have believed how good I would feel so quickly and it’s a feeling that has lasted. Kate thank you so much. 


I had difficultly in dealing with a certain person without feeling overwhelmed. After just one session with Kate I have had a number of successful and constructive discussions with this person and my relationship with them is now healthier than ever.


I had also recommenced after lockdown, my career as a yoga instructor, full of doubt and fear of failure. With Kate’s help to recognize what was really going on and with a single BWRT session we completely replaced those feelings and now I feel excited and energized each time I teach. 


Kate’s experience and insightful ability to see who you are and to quickly understand exactly what is going on cuts through all the navel gazing and gets you to truly believe in the future you actually want quickly and effectively."



"Having discussed with Kate if she could help me with my open water swimming she suggested a two prong strategy.

The first was BWRT N.E.T. which has really helped improve my swimming performance, my timings splits have dramatically reduced even over much longer swims and I have found my endurance has easily increased to over double what it was and even better my post swim recovery is so good that I immediately look forward to getting back in the water.

The next was one session of BWRT to address the whole issue getting into cold water to start with. These sessions have massively increased my open cold water confidence, gone is the nervousness and the gasping for breath when I first get in. Yes it’s still cold but now I find it a calming pleasure instead and I am quickly able to settle into and enjoy my swim. 

We spend so much time effort and money pushing our physical performance for improvements this for the me is the missing link that has truly helped."



Where to start, well I begin with who I am where I was roughly  7 years ago. My name is Adam, 44 years old and have a wife and 2 kids. I am deaf/HOH (hard of hearing) I have always been a confident person and never really worried about things in general due to being used to fighting societal issues due to my deafness. This all changed 7 years ago when I had a problem at my place of work. This issue at work did not have anything to do with my hearing but was ongoing for several months until I had a massive panic attack followed by depression. Months following the issue at work I began to noticed I became very anxious at even the smallest things. These things to many may seem silly but to me in some cases I started to shake physically and the smallest problem in my eyes was exaggerated by 100%. Over the following years the anxiety seemed to get worst. It affected every part of my life and my wife noticed a big change in my behaviour. 

Fast forward to January this year. As a delivery person I met Kate and by chance I got talking about my anxiety issues and how it restricted my life. I had an opportunity to take on a new role in my job and it involved travelling and meetings. Just talking about it was causing me to get stressed. Kate explained about BWRT, she also said she wanted to help me as she was confident with BWRT she could help me overcome my anxiety. 

I’ll be honest as Kate knows I will be, I wasn’t sure but Kate gave me all the information for me to go away and make my own conclusions. In doing so, looking at the website and reading up on BWRT I decided I really needed to try this.

Two sessions later with Kate she felt I was ready to test myself. One of the first things I noticed almost straight away my sleeping habits improved massively. When going to sleep I can switch off instead of worrying about the next day. With regards to the new role within my job, well before going to a committee meeting I did not worry at all, during the meeting I spoke with my confidence that I had 7 years ago. The real test was two days after the committee meeting I had a 1 day training course too. The same again, went in with confidence, talked with people I did not know and talked to a room full of people. 

The real question some might ask is are you cured? The answer from me is it’s not about being cured it’s about changing the way I respond to things around me now. In nearly 2 months I can honestly say I have not had any anxiety issues and in that 2 months I have done so much more! I will go as far as saying I have done more in the last 2 months than in the last 7 years. New job role, committee meeting, training course and currently doing a fundraiser. 

I will close this with three things, Kate I want to thank you again like I do most days when I see you, speak with Kate you have nothing to lose. Finally it was said to me since doing this this, “ I  just watched you walk across the car park, you looked confident and upright something I have not seen before.”

​Adam Maunders​​


"You have helped me more than anyone else has been able to, you've changed my life. I can have a drink without even thinking twice, but I don't even really fancy one anymore. There are no words. I probably shouldn't but I keep testing myself to see if I'll be able to stop, but I just don't want more than maybe a glass of wine, and even that isn't really appealing.


Thank you Kate. I feel reborn."


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